نمایش محتوای سبز

Announcement of invitation to the Extraordinary General Assembly
Announcement of invitation to the Extraordinary General Assembly Iranian Investment Petrochemical Group Company (Public Joint Stock Company) Registration number 396888 and national ID 10320466112

Hereby informs all the esteemed shareholders of Iranian Investment Petrochemical Group (Public Joint Stock Company), the lawyer or legal representative of the shareholder as well as their representative or representatives. / 1400, will be held at the location of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Company located in Tehran, Karim Khan Zand St., not far from Haft Tir Square, Building No. 38, Conference Hall, ground floor.


1- Reading the report of the legal inspector regarding the proposal to increase the capital of the board of directors

2- Deciding on the capital increase proposed by the board of directors

3- Deciding on changing the name of the company

4- Amending the relevant articles in the articles of association

5. Other matters which, in accordance with the Commercial Code, the decision of which is within the competence of the Extraordinary General Assembly.

According to the communiqués of the National Corona Disease Headquarters and in order to maintain the health of the esteemed shareholders, the meeting will be held only with the presence of a maximum of 15 shareholders (real and legal) and it is not possible to accept more than the mentioned number. Therefore, while thanking the esteemed shareholders, it is requested to accompany the board of directors in holding the meeting at the appointed time by observing the meeting simultaneously through the following links online and not being physically present at the meeting place:


    v https://www.aparat.com/IIPGC

    All shareholders, lawyers or their esteemed legal representatives can go to the meeting place (above) to obtain a certificate of attendance at the meeting by presenting valid identification documents from 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 05/20/1400.

                                                   Board of Directors of Iranian Investment Petrochemical Group (Public Joint Stock Company)

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